Information for clients
on the new coronavirus COVID-19
As the situation with the new coronavirus COVID-19 continues to evolve, I'm now only working online for the coming weeks. All my Microbiome Analysis sessions will remain available as usual. I am providing continuity of care to my craniosacral clients through online and phone sessions. Please book these online: 25 minute and 50 minute sessions are available.
I am also drawing on my 15 years in natural healthcare practice to offer wellbeing coaching for those who are social distancing, self isolating or quarantining.
My cancellation policy for all sessions is 48 hours by email. I will demonstrate some flexibility on cancellation fees if you develop symptoms within the cancellation fee period – please use this flexibility respectfully. If you're wondering if you're developing symptoms, you’re of course welcome to keep the appointment and see if you are well enough on the day, but if you choose to do that, please offer to pay the cancellation fee. Otherwise please cancel at the earliest opportunity.
Current information indicates that most people who catch COVID-19 will endure a mild illness for 1–2 weeks, and won't need hospital treatment. However, it’s important to prevent the rapid spread of coronavirus to ensure our medical resources are available for those who do need it, including the elderly and those with medical conditions. Please refer to NHS website for the latest advice and visit 111 online if you suspect you may have COVID-19 symptoms.
The situation is likely to change over the coming days and weeks. I will endeavour to keep this page up to date for my practice, and inform current clients of any significant changes by email – or by phone or text for those with existing appointments.
This page was last updated on Tuesday 17 March. My previous page on Friday 13 March has been archived here.
Please email me or book an online or phone conversation to ask any questions about this information.
NHS information
NHS 111 COVID-19 service
WHO guidelines
UK government information