The microbiome and COVID webinars: full series
How to nourish your gut microbiome in times of COVID-19: a three-part webinar series. This is a recorded version of the live series, available until 30 June 2021

Available until 30 June
30 Jun 2021, 22:35 BST – 01 Jul 2021, 02:35 BST
Recorded sessions
About the webinars
You will be sent the link to the recording and resources (available until 30 June 2021)
• Webinar 1 includes an introduction to the gut microbiome and its role in health and disease as well as the current evidence on the role of the gut microbiome in COVID19.
• Webinar 2 includes an overview of the causes of microbiome imbalances, the gut microbiome’s role in immunity and inflammation, and the role of inflammation in the most dangerous COVID symptoms, as well as the changes in the gut microbiome associated with older age and food-based clinical trials on supporting microbiome health from middle age.
• Webinar 3 includes information on the relationship between the gut and lung microbiome, microbiome and inflammation involved in higher bodyweight, lifestyle considerations in nurturing a healthy microbiome, together with an exploration of the potential roles of probiotics in protecting us from severe COVID symptoms.
For more detailed webinar outlines, please see www.violasampson.com/webinars
Each webinar concludes with clear steps to take that week to support a healthy microbiome balance now and in the future.
You will be able to download a copy of all slides, fully referenced with the medical literature cited, as well as worksheets and information sheets, otherwise available only to my Microbiome Analysis clients. Each session lasts 40–50 minutes. These are video recordings of live sessions with question time deleted to protect the privacy of the participants.
A small number of discounted prices are available for lower-waged frontline keyworkers and BAME keyworkers. Please contact me for a booking code if you require one of these. Otherwise please consider selecting a ticket option that includes sponsoring discounted or free place to make more places available to people who need them.
About Viola Sampson BSc RCST BCST
Following an early career as a published medical research scientist, Viola has practised as a complementary healthcare practitioner for almost 15 years – specialising in chronic conditions and digestive health. She offers Microbiome Analysis using modern stool testing to tailor healthy eating advice to an individual's unique gut bacterial profile, and to prescribe targeted prebiotics and probiotics and lifestyle considerations to support overall health.
Webinars 1–3 (recorded)
All three webinars in the series, plus worksheets and information sheets.
£75.00Sale endedWebinars1–3 + sponsor access
Access for you while sponsoring full, free access for a low-waged or BAME key worker. The cost of the discounted place will be refunded to you if it's not used.
£150.00Sale endedWebinars1–3 + sponsor discount
Access for you while sponsoring 50% discounted access for a low-waged or BAME key worker. The cost of the discounted place will be refunded to you if it's not used.
£112.50Sale endedWebinars1–3 + sponsor discount
Access for you and also sponsor a discounted access for a lower-waged or BAME key worker. Your sponsorship will be applied to 25% discounts (or put towards larger discounts) and refunded to you if not used.
£93.75Sale ended