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Fermentation workshops


Fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi are a great way to benefit from beneficial, probiotic bacteria in your diet. Using simple techniques and kitchen science, you can replenish your microbiome with delicious probiotic foods that are far more lively and often more diverse than probiotic tablets. 


Having previously worked with bacteria in laboratory settings, I was lucky enough to learn wild fermentation practices from fermentation revivalist Sandor Katz. I love collaborating with bacteria – now in the kitchen – and am passionate sharing the delights of richly probiotic foods. 

Please note: I am not currently running regular fermentation workshops. 


I still run my fermentation facebook group, and will advertise any workshops there.

Here's what people have said about these workshops:


"What a brilliant day, light, refreshing, immaculately presented and organised and so positive. Great to do something different. I had a wonderful day off, in good company."


“Beautiful setting, loved it.” "Informative, friendly, practical, light hearted.”


“I really liked the diversity of people and the hands on approach. It was really good to get to taste the end products to have something to aim for.”

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